Income and Expenditure

Members’ Subscriptions 8,558.38
Interest Received 1,837.64
Surplus from Conference 2,144.77
Net Sundry Sales 187.00
Miscellaneous 231.73
Total Income 12,959.52
NZ Skeptic production & distribution 6,968.55
Computing, membership list 618.75
Miscellaneous printing 213.08
Clerical, secretarial 304.67
Donation, Ian Plimer Defence Fund 1,000.00
Fees 50.00
Total Expenditure 9,155.05
Excess Income over Expenditure 3,804.47

Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1997

Members Funds 1/1/97 23,642.53 Bank Account 1,447.00
Income over expenditure 3,804.47 Term Deposits 26,000.00
27,447.00 27,447.00

Auditor’s Report

I have audited the financial statements of the Committee for the year ended 31 December 1997 in accordance with accepted auditing standards, and have carried out such procedures as I have considered necessary.

In common with other organisations of a similar nature, control over income prior to it being recorded is limited, and there are no practical audit procedures to determine the effect of this limited control.

Subject to the above, in my opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the Committee’s financial position as at December 31 1997 and the results of its activities for the year ended at that date.

F.G. Shaw, ACA (Retd)
27 February 1998

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