Printed resources
The NZ Skeptics have produced a number of flyers in PDF format which you can print using Adobe Acrobat.
A small number of extended Truth Kits are available on the following topics:
Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Iridology, Acupuncture.
These are suitable for background information as they have not been updated recently. Send $3 for each Kit to PO Box 30-501, Wellington, specifying which kit/s you are ordering.
Web resources
PBS Frontline The Alternative Fix documentary — An excellent site with tips for consumers, discussions, teachers’ guides, analysis and other material.
Quackwatch — a vast array of information about medical nonsense
Herbs, botanicals and other products — Information for oncologists and healthcare professionals, including a clinical summary for each agent and details about constituents, adverse effects, interactions, and potential benefits or problems. Evaluations of alternative or unproved cancer therapies are also provided.
Healthwatch — a site promoting valid clinical trials to ensure consumer protection in the area of health care.
Writing about Health Risks, Challenges and Strategies – American Council on Science and Health, PDF
A Collection of Articles on Disease Mongering – Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine