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The NZ Skeptics Society is a non-profit body that exists to promote critical thinking

Not all claims have equal value. For instance we all can believe that gravity exists without question, however we should ask for a little more evidence when an “expert” tells us that the Moa is alive and well and living in Moana!

If extraordinary claims are being made, you should demand extraordinary proof, especially if you are putting your money or your life on the line.

Many of the practices questioned by the NZ Skeptics take advantage of people at their most vulnerable – cancer patients seeking alternative cures, grief stricken bereaved seeking contact with the dead. They prey upon our trust, hopes and fears, and exploit a lack of specialist knowledge.

Please take a look around, and we would be delighted if you would like to join us.

Become a Member​

Join the NZ Skeptics so that you can tell everyone you're a Certified Skepticism Practitioner™ *, and also help us to fight the spread of pseudoscience in New Zealand.

* this is not a real certification, we just made it up.

Keep up to date with what's happening

Wherever you are in the world, you can keep up to date with what’s happening in New Zealand skepticism through our newsletter, podcast and meetings.

Listen to our Podcast

Listen to our bi-weekly podcast, Yeah… Nah!, if you want to hear about what’s going on in New Zealand skepticism from your hosts Bronwyn, Craig and Mark.

Sign up to our Newsletter

You can sign up here for our bi-weekly Skeptics newsletter, to keep in touch with the weird and the wonderful.

Meet with us in the Pub

Join us at one of our Skeptics in the Pub meetings in one of the cities listed below for a relaxed evening talking with like-minded people:

Join us in Cyberspace

Connect with us on Zoom from 6pm every month for virtual beers and real conversation.

See our work